Costa Rica Travel

This blog is intended to become a collective journal for the Online Costa Rica Travel Industry and its influence on the early development of the Internet in Costa Rica.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Comming Soon...

This blog will soon be active...

Please come back often and see what's new.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Costa Rica Directory

The project that has kept my attention lately is the development of the Costa Rica Directory.

The Costa Rica Directory offers a wide selection of websites that contain information on Costa Rica.

The sites listed in the directory have gone through an exhaustive editorial review before approval, and only the best sites are listed.

The catalog of sites is divided into thematic categories and sub-categories, in order to make it easier for the user to locate the information needed.

It currently has 1790 websites listed and new sites are being added every day.

If you are interested in including your website in the Costa Rica Directory, all you have to do is browse through the categories and sub-categories and when you find one that suits the subject of your website, press the "Add a Site" link on the menu bar.

This will take you to a page with a form that you have to fill out and submit.

Your site will then be reviewed by an editor, optimized and then listed.

Hope to see you there soon.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Costa Rica Forums stable and growing

The forums are growing, and are now getting flooded with Costa Rica Information.

I hope the number of members begin to increse as soon as they get indexed in Google.

I guess I´ll have to wait and see what happens.

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Costa Rica Information

Yesterday I publised the Costa Rica Information and Travel Forums.

The new Costa Rica Internet Community.


Friday, November 12, 2004

Surfing Addict

I can give you information about surfing spots in Costa Rica. There are some great surfing beaches that are mostly used by surfers, Would you like to find them? Just make a comment on this post asking for any specific information you want and I'll make another post answering your question.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Costa Rica Travel

This is the new Blog This tool I'm going to be using from FireFox to publish things on this Blog.... COOOOOOOL!!!